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The Keto (ketogenic diet) is an AMAZING DIET that WILL BLAST EVERY LAST OUNCE OF FAT OFF YOUR BODY. That is, if you have the discipline to follow it, day in and day out. What does the keto-genic diet require: 1. You cannot eat sugar. 2. You cannot eat bread or any type of wheat product. This means no cookies, crackers, sandwiches, etc. Why? Because bread/wheat changes to sugar inside your body while it’s being digested. Remember, the goal is to remove all sugar from your body! 3. Veggies – anything that is leafy and green is ideal. Otherwise if the veggie grows above ground, you can eat it. In March, I weighed a touch over 200 pounds. Today I hover a touch under 160. That is easily 40 pounds lost in 7 months. Easy. There is a massive amount of research being produced everyday on the positive effects the keto diet has in regards to stifling cancer and killing it. Especially brain cancer. There is visible link from brain cancer and killing it to the ketogenic diet. Basically brain tumors main fuel source is……….sugar! Watch videos on Youtube to see how tumors react when they encounter sugar. They essentially explode with happiness and begin dividing and multiplying like crazy! That’s the truth folks! Thus, it makes perfect sense as to why some folks treat brain cancer solely with the ketogenic diet! Eliminating sugar from the diet essentially replaces sugar with something that is super poisonous for tumors called ketones. Tumors main fuel source like I mentioned is sugar. Ketones which the keto diet produces are an alternative food source for tumors with one major difference – when tumors eat ketones, the ketones kill the cancer cells! Sugar makes the tumor grow, whereas the ketones kill the tumor! I’m ranting now, watch the video. Here are some useful links: More from my siteHow To Build Muscle With The Ketogenic Diet? (KETO BULK) Part 2 of 4Fight Cravings with the Ketogenic Diet: Real Proven ScienceKeto Flat Bread Recipe – keto bread – keto recipes – keto diet – weight loss – keto meal prepKETO CONSTIPATION? 🤢 … FIBER TO THE RESCUE! *TMI!KETOGENIC DIET [WHAT I EAT IN A DAY] [WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY UPDATE #4]“The Ketogenic Diet Explained” (Keto vs Low Carb) Part 1 of 4

from Keto Diet Fact or Fiction


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