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Jamie Caporosso – ‘Keto Paleo advantages for Athlete’s and Chasing Ketones’

Jamie Caporosso graduated from the University of Michigan in 1997 with Bachelor of Science. He has competed in Drug Free Powerlifting since 1989, and has won multiple Local, State, National, and World Platforms in Multiple Powerlifting Federations Raw and Equipped divisions. He is the owner of a gym in the Detroit region and an expert in ketogenic principles, especially with a Paleo-based template. Jamie is the developer of the App ‘KetoCheck’ and is currently developing ‘KetoCheck – MyMeal’ as well as the Ketogenic Index and Ketogenic nutritional rating system. He is also currently working to complete the book “KetoPaleo – Optimal Health and Performance Through Exercise and a Natural Human Diet”. More from my siteIs Ketosis Dangerous? (Science of Fasting & Low Carb Keto)Dr. Eric Westman – ‘Clinical Experience Using LCHF: Case Examples and Tailoring’Maria Emmerich – ‘Ketogenic Cooking’Is That Recipe Really Keto?#059 The Keto Diet Podcast: Your Exogenous Ketone Questions AnsweredKeto Snack Box

from Keto Diet Fact or Fiction


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